About us

CMD International Group Ltd. is a company founded in 2015, uniting the professionalism, the innovative thinking and the experience of a team of experts in the “Agriculture” sector. We are a specialized company in the preparation and management of projects targeting private, non-governmental and public organizations.

What we offer

Complete solutions for your business, defining the project idea, drawing up a flow chart, managing processes, assessing economic efficiency, analyzing markets, opportunities for financing the business.

Our experience is in the field of:

Ideological modeling

Together with our clients, we define the project idea and create a concept for its realization.

Analysis of business processes

In this activity, we are led by William Deming’s thought: “If we can not describe what we are doing as a process, then we do not know what we are doing.” Our team offers our customers a business process analysis and prepares proposals for reengineering to optimize activities.

Financial analysis and business planning

In our projects, we strive to offer our customers technological solutions and processes that guarantee efficiency of operations to ensure the desired return on business, the required return on investment and financial stability.

Process Management

In the process of our work, we offer our clients the opportunity to improve the organization’s activities by identifying, modeling, analyzing and optimizing business processes in order to fulfill the set goals.

Financial support

For the realization of the ideas of our clients, we are looking for opportunities for financial support through European Programs, Cross-Border Cooperation Programs, Investment Funds and Financial Institutions.

Our philosophy

Ние в „Си Ем Ди Интернешънъл Груп“ ЕООД последователно градим среда, базирана на синергията на екипното начало, отношението ни към клиентите и нашите партньори, като по този начин предоставяме възможно най-голямата полза за тях – траен успех.

Нашите стремежи са насочени към капитализация на знанията и опита, оптимизация на работните процесите, иновативно мислене и прилагане на най-добрите практики.

Изхождайки от тези наши основни нагласи, ние заставаме зад ценностите, които изповядваме и сформираме своята визия и мисия. Разпознаваме факторите за нашия успех и се стремим да ги доразвиваме, за да можем да достигнем целта, която преследваме – да правим нещата различни с поглед към бъдещето.